1) I am ... on Mondays than on Tuesdays. a) the busiest b) busier c) as busy as 2) My father's food is not ... as my mother's. a) tastier than b) the tastiest c) as tasty 3) I work ... as my brother. a) as hard b) harder than c) the hardest 4) Coldplay songs are ... Lady Gaga's songs. a) the saddest b) sadder than c) as sad as 5) ... hot dog in the world weighs over 3 kg. a) larger b) as large as c) the largest 6) This is ... birthday present ever! Thank you! a) the best b) as good as c) better than 7) I like Lady Gaga, but I think Joanne is ... album of her career. a) as bad as b) the worst c) worse than 8) Praia Grande is ... as Campinas. a) not as far b) further than c) the furthest 9) ... ant in the world is the bulldog ant. a) The most dangerous b) more dangerous c) as dangerous as


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