1) расти, вырастать a) grow up b) look up to c) deal with d) take place in 2) уставать от a) be bad at b) cheer up c) take place in d) be tired of 3) быть заинтересованным a) get on (well) with b) be good at c) grow up d) to be interested in 4) взбодриться, приветствовать a) cheer up b) focus on c) hang out d) grow up 5) зависеть от a) depend on b) cheer up c) look up to d) be proud of 6) сфокусироваться на a) participate in b) focus on c) be good at d) hang out 7) ладить с a) get on (well) with b) be tired of c) be bad at d) be proud of 8) гордиться a) to be interested in b) be proud of c) cheer up d) excited about 9) тусить, проводить время с a) take care of b) depend on c) be bad at d) hang out 10) хорошо получаться, быть хорошим в a) get on (well) with b) look up to c) take part in d) be good at 11) плохо получаться, быть плохим в a) be bad at b) get on (well) with c) to be interested in d) give up 12) справляться с, иметь дело с a) deal with b) take care of c) cheer up d) be popular with 13) быть взволнованным a) excited about b) get on (well) with c) hang out d) be tired of 14) быть популярным среди a) be popular with b) participate in c) deal with d) take place in 15) бросать, сдаваться a) excited about b) to be interested in c) give up d) deal with 16) восхищаться a) be bad at b) excited about c) to be interested in d) look up to 17) проходить в (место), проводиться a) take place in b) cheer up c) be popular with d) look up to 18) заботиться a) be bad at b) look up to c) hang out d) take care of 19) принимать участие в a) take care of b) participate in c) be bad at d) take part in 20) участвовать в  a) be good at b) participate in c) be proud of d) take part in

Own it! 3 Unit 1 (Phrasal verbs and collocations)


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