1) You like snowboarding, a) don't you? b) doesn't you? c) do you? d) does you? 2) He goes to school, a) don't he? b) doesn't he? c) do he? d) does he? 3) You don't play the piano, a) don't you? b) doesn't you? c) do you? 4) You play tennis, a) don't you? b) doesn't you? c) do you? 5) He plays soccer, a) doesn't he? b) does he? c) don't he? 6) She doesn't speak French, a) does she? b) do she? c) doesn't she? d) don't she? 7) We know Mary, a) doesn't we? b) do we? c) don't we? d) does we? 8) You practice yoga twice a week, a) do we? b) don't you? c) doesn't you? d) does you? 9) You don't know Taylor,  a) doesn't you? b) does you? c) don't you? d) do you? 10) Tomorrow we go surfing, a) don't we? b) do we? c) doesn't we? d) does we?


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