VERB - starting by letter - A - write a sentence in the past tense, VERB - containing any of these by letters - C - O - write a sentence in the present perfect tense, Noun - B - needs to be more than 4 letters - write a sentence , VERB - starting by letter - H - write a sentence in the past continuous, VERB - starting by letter - P - needs to be more than 4 letters - write a sentence in the past tense, How do you say " sede " in English? - write a sentence in the present tense, Write a sentence from this image. - write a question., Write a sentence from this image. - write a question. " você verificou seu email hoje? ", Animal - starting by letter - H - write a sentence in the past tense, 3 professions - starting by letter - p - write a sentence in the past tense, 3 fruits - write a sentence in the present tense.

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