What is the prefix micro - µ and x10-6 or 0.000001 (divide by 1000000), What is the prefix nano - n and x10-9 or 0.000000001 (divide by 1000000000), What is the amplitude of a wave? - Distance from the centre line to a peak or a trough., Explain how amplitude effects volume. - Large amplitudes cause larger sounds., What is the units for amplitude - Metres (m), What is the mass number of an element - The number of protons AND neutrons in an element., What is radioactive decay - Process by which an unstable nucleus loses energy or mass by releasing radiation., Types of radiation particles/waves - Alpha particle, beta particle, Gamma ray, In reality, some energy is lost to surroundings, how can we overcome this. - Insulate the material to prevent heat escaping, Name the change of state when a liquid becomes a solid - freezing, Name the change of state when a solid becomes a liquid - melting, What is the unit of speed or velocity? - metres per seconds (m/s) or (m s-1), State the equation which links distance, speed and time - d=vt, Define displacement - Distance between two points in a straight line, Challenges of space travel, risks of space exploration,


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