1) They _____ a house next to the river. a) built b) dug c) buried 2) The forest fire ____ the nearby houses. a) built b) buried c) burnt down 3) The dog ______ a bone in the garden. a) built b) buried c) burnt down 4) The children _____ a big hole on the beach. a) built b) buried c) dug 5) I wore a hat and gloves because it was ____ outside. a) tiring b) freezing c) frightening 6) My mum works in an ______ in the city. a) office b) portrait c) soldier 7) She asked the artist to paint a _____ of her son. a) portrait b) office c) possessions 8) My favourite ____ is my phone. a) portrait b) office c) possession 9) They have a _____ to clean and cook fro them. a) portrait b) servant c) office 10) The _____ stand outside a palace 24 hours a day. a) soldiers b) servants c) portraits


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