1) I can organize my school materials in the ... a) Table b) Drawer c) Backpack d) Wardrobe 2) Can I buy a new ____ to put near my bed, Dad? a) Wardrobe b) Table c) Desk d) Nightstand 3) I don't like to sleep in the dark, I prefer to turn on my ... a) Lamp b) Light c) Closet d) Furniture 4) My parents want to renovate my room, we want to buy new ____ a) Beds b) Furniture c) Closets d) Desks 5) I wash my hands ______ I eat a) Before b) After 6) I take a shower _____ physical education class a) Before b) After 7) I brush my teeth ______ I have breakfast, lunch and dinner a) Before b) After 8) I brush my hair _____ I go to school a) Before b) After 9) If I study in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, I study ... a) Tomorrow b) All day too c) All day long d) Every day 10) I don't have time now, we can play ... a) Tomorrow b) Before c) After d) Later 11) The party is _____, so you can take a shower before you go a) Later b) Now c) After d) This day 12) When something is not clean, it is ... a) Messy b) Clean c) Dirty d) Organized


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