-centesis - Surgical puncture to remove fluid, D&C - Dilation and curettage, LH - Luteinizing Hormone , OCPs - Oral contraceptive pills, TFT - Thyroid function tests, -y - Process, state, Olig/o - Scanty (very small), Ov/o, ovul/o - Ovum (egg), -tropin - Hormone, TSE - Testicular self-examination, PTH - Parathyroid Hormone, -partum - Childbirth, labor, OB/GYN - Obstetrician/gynecologist , Thy/o, thyroid/o - Thyroid, Vener/o - Sexual contact, Py/o - Pus, Neo- - New, Perine/o - Perineum, Andr/o - Male, -blast - Developing cell, CS - Cesarean section, -cyesis - State of pregnancy, FBS - Fasting blood sugar, FHR - Fetal heart rate, -genesis - Formation,


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