1) Found in the mouth and contains chemicals (enzymes) which kill bacteria/pathogens a) Skin b) Tears c) Saliva d) Mucus 2) Found in the eyes and contains chemicals (enzymes) which kill bacteria/pathogens. a) Skin b) Mucus c) 'Good' bacteria d) Tears 3) Prevents entry of microorganisms a) Mucus b) Skin c) Tears d) Saliva 4) Traps dirt and pathogens a) Tears b) Skin c) Saliva d) Mucus 5) Low pH kills harmful microorganisms a) Stomach acid b) Mucus c) Tears d) Saliva 6) Out competes pathogens preventing them from growing a) Skin b) Tears c) Stomach acid d) 'Good' bacteria


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