1) Why don't we eat out and have some fun? a) Doğru cevap bu değil! b) Neden dışarıda bir şeyler yemiyoruz ve biraz eğlenmiyoruz? c) Dışarıda bir şeyler yemeye ve biraz eğlenmeye ne dersin? d) Hadi, dışarıda bir şeyler yiyelim! 2) Which of the following can you use to refuse an invitation? a) I don't want to miss this chance. b) I can't refuse it. c) That sounds great! d) I would like to be there, but I should visit my grandparents. 3) Which of the following is different? a) Accept an invitation b) Make an excuse c) Give an explanation d) Give reason 4) Which of the following are not antonyms? a) tall x short b) with x without c) accept x reject d) definitely x certainly 5) Which of the following is NOT correct? a) The event is on the weekend. b) Nurullah Regis invites him to a barbeque party. c) He rejects the invitation without an excuse. d) He doesn't need help with his project. 6) Definitely/certainly means... a) Belki b) Muhtemelen c) Kesinlikle d) Tahminen 7) Which of the following is not a good personality trait? a) Generous b) Honest c) Jealous d) Punctual e) Thrustworthy 8) You are invited to a graduation party. You don't have any plans, but you don't want to attend it. What do you say? a) I would like to, but I have plans. b) I'm sorry, but I can't. c) I’d love to but I feel ill. d) I have another plan with my family.

8th Grades, Unit 1: Friendship - Making Invitations


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