Peter is ..... in class. (short), You are .... person I know. (interesting ), Japan is .... from here ..... Portugal. ( far), Jane is ..... Kate. They are both 13. (young), The Saara is on of .... deserts on Earth. (hot), The Nile is ..... the Amazon river. (long), Brazil is .... country in South America. (big), We have ten in our tests. So, I am .... you. ( intelligent ), Helen weighs 30 kilos and you weigh 19. Helen is .... you. (thin ), Lucy has ..... handwriting in our class. ( beautiful ), My brother is .... guy. His jokes are awesome. (funny), Apple is... peach. (tasty ), A car is .... a bike. (expensive), Oh, my!! You have .... clothes, ever!!! (bad), You cook .... my mom. (good), New York is .... Canoas. (noisy), China is ..... Australia. (populated), My is sister is .... in our family. (tall), Ouro Preto has .... buildings ... Porto Alegre. ( historic), You have .... eyes. (green).


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