go bananas - to become extremely angry or excited, spill the beans - to tell people secret information, pie in the sky - very unlikely to happen, go pear-shaped - when a situation/plan goes wrong, put food on the table - to provide enough food for your family to live, (as) cool as a cucumber - to be very calm and not nervous, not be someone's cup of tea - not what somebody likes or is interested in, put all your eggs in one basket - to depend for your success on a single person or plan of action:, small potatoes - something that does not seem important when compared to something else , a bad egg - a person who you know will behave badly, be a piece of cake - something that is very easy to do, butter someone up - to say nice things to someone so that they will do what you want, cry over spilt/spilled milk - not be upset over something that can't be undone, The proof is in the pudding - you can only judge if something is good or bad when you have tried it, couch potato - a lazy and inactive person,


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