1) What should come to mind when you see the word 'phasor' ? a) phases of the moon b) 90 degree separation between vectors c) Current leads the voltage vector in AC circuits d) voltage leads the current vector in AC circuits 2) what does RMS mean? a) root-mean-squared b) required-mean-surface c) resistor mean sequence d) not important 3) What is the equation for Capacitance Reactance (X_C)? a) (w)/(C) b) 1/(C) c) 1/(wC) d) (wC) 4) What is the equation for Inductive Reactance (X_L)? a) (w)/(L) b) 1/(L) c) 1/(wL) d) (wL) 5) In an AC Circuit, which vector leads the rotations? a) current b) voltage c) capacitance d) inductance e) switch f) what is going on 6) What is the change in magnetic flux relative to (Magnetic Flux = B x A x some angle) HINT: page 4 of powerpoint 20 a) = B*l*v b) = B*l*v* change in time c) right hand rule d) = B*v 7) INDUCED EMF just cuz a) =B*v*l*change in time b) = B c) = B*v*l d) = B*v 8) Electric field caused by the motion of a moving rod in motional EMF a) = B*v*l b) = B c) =B*v*l*change in time d) = B*v 9) What is the equation for the right hand rule force? a) = q*v*B b) = v*B c) = B*v*l*change in time d) I dont know but thats a problem because by this time you should know the right hand rule and if you really really really dont know then make it a priority to look it up or ask a peer to help you learn it 10) What is the equation for torque on a magnetic loop? a) = I*h*B b) = I*B* (hw) c) = I*(hw) d) = I*B*A 11) In a solenoid or any other loop that has multiple turns, what does the variable 'N' stand for? a) the electrical constant that you multiply to the torque b) turns per length c) total number of turns d) NIGERIA AND NAMIBIA AND NEPAL AND NETHERLANDS AND so on.... 12) In a solenoid or any other loop that has multiple turns, what does the variable 'n' stand for? a) the electrical constant that you multiply to the torque b) turns per length c) total number of turns d) NIGERIA AND NAMIBIA AND NEPAL AND NETHERLANDS AND so on....


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