1) They _____ home at 12 o’clock. a) thought b) left c) brought 2) I ______ a new job in marketing. a) felt b) threw c) found 3) He ______ lonely at home. a) felt b) threw c) thought 4) I ______ away my old jeans. a) fought b) threw c) woke 5) She _______ a cold. a) caught b) threw c) lay 6) We _________ it was difficult. a) fought b) sat c) thought 7) They ______ at the table and had dinner. a) left b) sit c) sat 8) She _____ on the beach. a) lay b) lied c) found 9) I _________ up early to walk the dog. a) felt b) woke c) thought 10) They ________ a lot in their relationship. a) fought b) thought c) caught

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