1. I believe that ____ leads to burnout. You should remember to take some time off to decompress. 2. We often ____ for perfection and success. 3. I think her boss is a control ____, this overcontrolling dampens our productivity and we have to work under a lot of pressure. 4. I don't think there'll be more than six people eating, so I wouldn't go ____ with the food. 5. I have to tackle this pressing problem, so I have put some things ____ to deal with it. 6. Sometimes people think in extremes but it doesn't make any ____ to me, we should find the middle ____. 7. They, ____, take care of themselves and never scrimp on self-care. 8. It seems to me that perfectionists ____ confidence and people often want to follow in their footsteps, because they are a great example to follow. 9. She was overcontrolling them, ____, they lost their temper.

Perfectionism h/w 1.1


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