valuable - very helpful or important, article - a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine, produce - to make something, include - to have something as a part, common - usual; easy to find, share - to use something with another person, celebrate - to do fun activities on a special day or because something good happened, remind - to make someone remember something, amount - how much there is of something, consume - to take something into the body, rude - not polite, environment - all the things that work together to make life on earth possible including air, water, plants, and animals, survey - a list of questions that asks people’s opinions, post - to put something online or a public notice for other people to see, local - post, recommend - to tell someone that something is good to try, borrow - to use another person’s things and then give them back, filter - something that changes the way a picture looks, etiquette - a set of rules for proper social behavior, advice - words said to help someone know what to do,

[2학년] Part 1


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