Dyslexia: difficulty matching a sound to a letter, complaints of feeling tired when reading or writing, being slow to process language, seeing letters move around, quickly forgetting what they just read or were told, seeing written letters flip or reverse, daydreaming and not paying attention in class, Dyspraxia: difficulty with balance and coordination, poor writing, drawing, and copying skills, difficulty remembering for than 1-2 instructions at a time, becoming emotional, easily upset, or excited, having difficulty sleeping including nightmares, limited concentration and poor listening skills, understanding and using language very literally, ADHD: fidgeting and moving around constantly in their seat, leaving their seat without permission, talking non-stop and finding it hard to be quiet even when asked, often losing things, shouting out answers before a question was completed, not following instructions and not following work, being easily distracted from tasks and play activities,

SEN Symptoms: dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD


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