1) There ____ some pots with plants on the floor. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 2) There ___ a necklace in the box. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 3) There ____ any bowls on the table. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 4) There _____ a fireplace in the room. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 5) There ____ any chairs on the balcony. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 6) There ____ some tools on the shelf. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 7) There ____ some sculptures in the museum. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 8) There ____ an animal in the cave. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 9) There ____ some fish in the aquarium. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't

AS3 U8 Was / were


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