1)  formal changes made according to official procedures.formal changes made according to official procedures. a) amendment b) legistlation c) democracy 2) a sense of obligation toward something a) version b) commitment c) privlege 3) to reach agreement by having each side give up parts of its demands.to reach agreement by having each side give up parts of its demands. a) eventually b) compromise c) amendment 4) government that is run by the people who live under it. a) version b) democracy c) privlege 5) in the end or finally. a) Eventually b) compromise c) commitment 6) laws are made or passed. a) legislation b) democracy c) ammendment 7) a special right or benefit held by a certain group of people. a) privilege b) eventually c) compromise 8)  an account given in a particular way a) democracy b) legislation c) version


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