1) Many Irish immigrants came to the United States in the 1800s because.... a) they lost jobs as tailors b) there was a potato famine c) they were treated poorly because of their religion 2) What stands in the New York Harbor and welcomes people to the United States? a) The Washington Monument b) Carnegie Hall c) The Statue of Liberty 3) Where did many immigrants have to come through to enter the United States? a) Ellis Island b) Little Italy c) Washington DC 4) Many immigrants lived in crowded buildings called a) tenements b) factories c) mansions 5) Andrew Carnegie is remembered because he a) gave farms to immigrants b) wrote a poem for the immigrants c) funded public libraries 6) When immigrants came to the US, they lived in the eastern part of the US and lived in a) big cities b) small towns c) Ellis Island 7) What did immigrants help build? a) the transcontinental railroad b) Lincoln Memorial c) tenements 8) Thousands of immigrants moved west to a) live in dirty and crowded tenements b) word in factories c) farm on the Great Plains 9) What is one right and duty of an American citizen? a) voting b) passing driving tests c) saying the pledge of allegiance 10) What does e pluribus unum mean?  a) "Out of many, one" b) "Give me your tired, give me you're poor." c) "I declare that America is awesome."


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