1) extreme mental or physical suffering a) agony b) assuage c) carbage d) ominous e) implore f) ecstatic 2) to make milder or less severe; to ease a) placidly b) assuage c) rueful d) excruciating e) successor f) carnage 3) threatening; suggesting evil or harm a) assuage b) placidly c) ominous d) agony e) implore f) successor 4) calmly or peacefully a) assuage b) ominous c) successor d) placidly e) carnage f) agony 5) the slaughter of a great number of people a) placidly b) successor c) agony d) assuage e) carnage f) ominous 6) to ask sincerely or beg a) ominous b) successor c) carnage d) agony e) assuage f) implore 7) full of immense joy or happiness a) ecstatic b) successor c) rueful d) placidly e) assuage f) agony 8) extremely painful a) ecstatic b) excruciating c) ominous d) placidly e) carnage f) implore 9) one who follows another in office or position a) placidly b) rueful c) successor d) ominous e) ecstatic f) implore 10) feeling or showing sorrow or pity a) agony b) assuage c) placidly d) rueful e) carnage f) implore


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