1) Which country will have this shape population pyramid? a) High Income Country b) Low Income Country 2) What is infant mortality rate? a) the number of babies that die b) the number of babies that die under the age of one c) the number of babies that die under the age of one, per 1000 d) the number of babies that die before they are five 3) What is natural increase? a) The difference between the birth rate and death rate b) the difference between life expectancy and total population c) the death rate minus the birth rate 4) What is the correct definition of the Death Rate? a) the number of people dying b) the number of people dying per 1000 c) the number of people dying per 100 5) What is the correct definition of life expectancy? a) How long someone lives b) The quality of life a person has c) The average age to which a person lives measured in years d) The predicted life span of a person 6) What is the current world population? a) 6 billion b) 7.6 billion c) 8 billion d) 6.8 billion 7) Which TWO of these are reasons for high birth rates? a) lack of access to contraception b) children are expensive c) women value their careers d) lack of education 8) Which one of these reasons helps to explain the shape of this pyramid? a) Women have children later in life and have careers b) diets are poor c) there is a lack of clean water d) women lack access to contraception 9) What is the current population of China? a) 500 million b) 1.3 billion c) 1 billion d) 1.8 billion 10) When did China introduce its one child policy? a) 1979 b) 1989 c) 1918 d) 1959 11) Which of these is true about China's population policy? a) Women can get married more than once b) Women who marry can have many children c) Women must seek permission and cannot get married before 25 d) Women can get married at any age but must seek permission 12) What is a 'Little Emperor'? a) a girl who is well looked after b) a member of royalty c) a prince who will once ruled China d) a boy who has all the attention of his family 13) There are 400 million less people in China because of the One Child Policy. True or False? a) True b) False 14) Why were baby boys preferred by the Chinese? a) they work harder b) girls are often ill c) It is tradition that they stay with the family 15) Which of these are incentives to encourage families to only have one child? a) Free medical care b) A guaranteed job c) Priority housing d) Free food 16) What has happened to the male to female ratio in China? a) It is equally balanced b) It is now 120 males :100 females c) It is 110 males :100 females 17) By 2050 China could have more than 400 million people over 60 a) True b) False


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