1) LA BICI DI MIO FRATELLO a) My bike's brother b) My grandfather's car c) My brother's bike 2) LA MACCHINA DI MIO NONNO a) My mum's sister b) My grandfather's car c) My brother's bike 3) LA MAMMA DI CHIARA a) My mum's sister b) Chiara's mum c) Chiara's sister 4) LA PALLA DI MIKE a) Mike's ball b) The ball of Mike c) Mike' ball 5) IL CAPPELLO DI MIO PADRE a) Father's hat b) Father is hat c) My father's hat 6) LA MAGLIETTA DI PAOLO a) Paolo's t-shirt b) Paolos t-shirt c) T-shirt's Paolo 7) IL LIBRO DELLA MIA MAESTRA a) My book's teacher b) My teacher's book c) Teacher is book 8) LA PENNA DI MIO FRATELLO a) My brother's pen b) My pen's brother c) Brother's pen


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