1) Superlative form of  good a) better b) the goodest c) the best 2) Comparative form of ugly a) uglier b) more ugly c) the most ugly 3) Superlative form of bad a) worse b) the worst c) baddest 4) Comparative form of easy a) easier b) easyer c) more easy 5) Superlative form of careful a) the carefulest b) very careful c) the most careful 6) Comparative form of polite a) politier b) more polite c) politer 7) Superlative form of big a) biger b) the bigest c) the biggest 8) Superlative form of interesting a) the most interesting b) the best interesting c) super interesting 9) Spanish is not as easy as English means: a) Spanish is easier than English.  b) English is easier than Spanish. c) English is more difficult than Spanish. 10) Comparative form of early a) earler b) more early c) earlier 11) Comparative formof far a) farer b) farest c) further d) the furthest 12) My room is not as big as your room means: a) Your room is bigger than mine. b) My room is bigger than yours. c) Both rooms are small.

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