Neuron - The main type of nevous system cell; adults have 100 billion of these. [6], Sympathetic - Often referred to as the 'fight or flight' response. [11], Neurotransmitter - Chemical secreted by neurons which is used to induce an action potential in another neuron. Dopamine is an example. [16], Axon - Long extension of cell membrane on the neuron. [4], Myelin - A sheath made from lipids and synthesised by the Schwann cells. [6], Sclerosis - Multiple _______; autoimmune disease in which Leukocytes attack the Schwann cells. [9], Dendrites - Attennae like structures on the neuron which collect action potential. [9], Central - _________ Nevous System, organisational hierachy that includes the brain and spinal cord. [7], Plastic - Neural migration forming new neural networks is an example of this; flexible like a 'cats lip' (anag.) [7].  , Ions - The movement of these causes an action potential; found on end of a pride of 'lions' (cryptic). [4], Synapse - Gap that separates neurons from each other. [7], Glutamate - Neurotransmitter that is also found in monster munch; sounds like the largest muscle in the body's friend (cryptic). [9],


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