omnivore - an animal or person that eats plants and animals, dilemma - a difficult situation or problem, access - the right or privilege, organic - produced without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents, priortize - to treat something as more important than something else, food chain - the series of processes by which food is grown or produced, sold, and eventually eaten, nonfiction point of view - the author’s perspective; some nonfiction texts are purely informational, like the encyclopedia, but others present information from a particular point of view, infer - to make an educated guess based on evidence, infographic - a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data, processed foods - a series of mechanical or chemical operations performed to change or preserve food, concept - a big idea, active reading - as we are reading nonfiction, we should be actively trying to learn from what we are reading (annotating, summarizing, highlighting), annotate - add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment, bias - a tendency to lean in a certain direction, either in favor of or against a particular thing, conflicting viewpoint - a perspective that is different from or disagrees with another, irrelevant - something that does not apply or is not connected, structure - the way in which parts of something are arranged or organized, sufficient - enough or adequate, relevant - something that is connected or applicable, agribusiness - the group of industries dealing with agricultural produce and services required in farming., argument - an opinion and its supporting points, evidence, and reasoning, GMO - genetically modified organism, sound - based on reason, sense, or judgment, hybrid - a plant or animal whose parents have different traits, subsity - money given to an industry by the government to keep prices low, rumen - a cow’s second stomach, delineate - describe something with detail and precision,


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