1) What adds drama/tension to the story? a) short sentences b) long sentences c) repetition d) chronological order e) non-chronological order f) idioms 2) What is it when ideas or themes are repeated? a) repetion b) repitition c) repeat d) repetition e) go again f) long sentences 3) What is the opening? a) flashbacks b) beginnig c) middle d) ending e) climax f) short sentences 4) What is it when events happen in time order? a) repetition b) non-chronological order c) chronological order d) long sentences e) beginning f) first person 5) What is "he" "she" and "they"? a) third person b) second person c) ending d) repetition e) first person f) middle 6) What is focus? a) what the subject is of the story b) repetition c) long sentences d) non-chronological order e) ending f) flashbacks 7) What is focus? a) long sentences b) changes in ideas c) change in plot d) idoim e) beginning f) flashbacks 8) What is the pace? a) the feeling of speed b) change in plot c) flashbacks d) opening e) beginning f) short sentences 9) What is the ending a) the opening b) the climax c) shifts d) focus e) the conclusion f) pace 10) What is when events are in order a) ending b) opening c) chronological order d) pace e) repetition f) long sentences


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