1) What is the most important force that causes tides? a) strong winds that blow over ocean waters. b) the shifting of the plates on the ocean floor. c) the gravity of the moon and the sun. d) variations in the salinity of ocean water 2) What do we call the small tides that happen during first quarter and third quarter moon phases? a) Neap Tide b) Spring Tide c) Little tide d) Small tide 3) In general, high tides occur... a) once an hour b) once a month c) twice a day d) twice a month 4) What tide is this? a) Spring Tide b) Fall Tide c) Neap Tide d) Summer Tide 5) What tide is this? a) Fall Tide b) Neap Tide c) Summer Tide d) Spring Tide 6) What do we call the tide during the new moon and full moon phases? a) Spring tide b) Neap tide c) shallow tide d) Summer tide 7) What has a bigger effect on tides? a) The Sun's gravity b) The Moon's gravity 8) Neap tides happen at _________ and _________ phases of the moon. a) first quarter and new moon b) last quarter and full moon c) waxing and waning d) 1st quarter and 3rd quarter 9) Which of the following contribute to tides? a) The gravitational force of both the moon and sun b) sun's gravitational pull on moon c) sun's gravitational pull on earth only  d) moon's gravitational pull on earth only 10) Janis lives near the ocean. What observations can Janis make about the moon's that she can relate to the ocean's tides? a) that the moon's position effects high tides and low tides b) waxing and waning crescents affect the tides c) the moon does not affect the tides d) only new moon and full moon affect the tides 11) During a neap tide, the sun, moon, and earth are at a ___________ angle. a) 360 degree b) 45 degree c) 23.5 degree d) 90 degree


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