1) What is the past tense of run? a) Runer b) Runner c) runned d) Run e) Ran f) none 2) What is the past tense of type? a) Typed b) Typ c) type d) typee e) tpyed f) none of these 3) What is the past tense of mine? a) mine b) miner c) mined d) mind e) I have no idea 4) What is the past tense of cook? a) cook b) cooker c) cookie d) cooked e) I don't know 5) What is the past tense of make? a) make b) maker c) maked d) made e) I have absolutely no idea!!!!!! 6) What is the past tense of cut? a) cutted b) cutter c) cuted d) cute e) cut f) cat 7) What is the past tense of bake? a) bake b) baked c) baker d) bak e) I don't know


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