1) What landform is in the picture? a) hill b) mountain c) play 2) What landform is in the picture? a) hill b) canyon c) mountain 3) What water form is in the picture? a) ocean b) lake c) river 4) What water form is in the picture? a) river b) ocean c) lake 5) ________ is an image of the Earth’s surface.  a) key b) scale c) map 6) A ______ explains what pictures or signs on the map mean. a) scale b) key c) map 7) A ______ is a naturally-formed feature on Earth’s surface that is made from rock and dirt.  a) landform b) water form 8) Oceans are salty water. a) true b) false 9) Hills are higher than mountains.  a) true b) false 10) Rivers and lakes are fresh water. a) true b) false 11) A glacier is a moving or flowing ice. a) true b) false 12) You can drink the water in the ocean. a) true b) false 13) A landform is made from rock and dirt. a) true b) false 14) Landforms are hills, valleys, canyons, plains, mountains, and plateaus. a) true b) false 15) Water forms are oceans, rivers and streams, lakes and ponds, and glaciers. a) true b) false 16) What water form is in the picture? a) pond b) river c) ocean 17) What landform is in the picture? a) plateau b) valley c) plain 18) What landform is in the picture? a) plateau b) hill c) mountain 19) What water form is in the picture? a) river b) ocean c) lake 20) What landform is in the picture? a) valley b) plain c) plateau 21) What landform is in the picture? a) mountain b) plain c) canyon 22) _____ is used to identify the distance of the different parts of the map. a) scale b) key c) map 23) A map is a _____ of something. a) key b) model c) scale 24) A glacier is a water in solid form. a) true b) false 25) 70% of Earth is covered with water. a) true b) false


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