I (to go) to the swimming pool Present Simple +, He (to wear) a new jacket Past Simple +, They (to find) their books Present Perfect ?, He (to read) an interesting book Past Continuous -, We (to ride) the bikes Past Simple -, He (to give) music lesson Present Perfect Continuous ?, They (to build) a new house Present Perfect Continuous +, The cat (to sleep) on the sofa Present Perfect -, His sister (to prepare) the breakfast  Past Simple ?, We (to phone) to New York Present Continuous -, She (to speak) English well Present Simple ?, He (to go) to the cinema last week Past Simple -, My friend (to invite) many guests Present Perfect +, I (to look for) my notebook Present Continuous +, You (to see) her Present Perfect ?, He (to drive) a bus Future Continuous -, They (to fly) to New York Future Simple ?, She (to choose) a laptop Future Simple +, These students (to paint) animals Future Continuous ?, He (to buy) a new car Past Continuous ?.



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