The ____ is the white part of the eye. It provides a protective coating, which covers most of the eye. The ____ is the colourful part of the eye. It can change in size to control how much light goes through the ____. The ____ is the clear dome that sits in front of the iris (the coloured part of the eye). It helps your eye ____ as light passes through. The pupil looks like a ____ circle in the centre of the eye, but it is really an ____ in the iris which lets light enter the eye. The pupil can change in size; it gets ____ in very bright conditions and ____ in dark conditions. The ____ is the space between the cornea and the iris. This space is filled with a special fluid that helps keep the eye healthy. After light enters the pupil, it hits the ____. The lens sits behind the iris and is clear. The lens' job is to focus ____ on the back of the eyeball.  up the right way!


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