爸爸 - Dad , 妈妈 - Mom, 哥哥 - older brother , 姐姐 - older sister , 弟弟 - younger brother, 妹妹 - younger sister , 爱 - love, 家 - family, home , 我的 - my, mine , 你的 - your, yours , 有 - to have; there is; there are, 没有 - do not have , 和 - and, 你家有几个人? - How many people are in your family?, 我家有五个人。 - There are five people in my family., 这是谁? - who is this?, 这是我的弟弟。 - This is my younger brother。, 她是不是你的姐姐? - Is she your elder sister?, 不是,她是我的妹妹。 - No, she is my younger sister. ,


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