1) Je m'entends bien avec = a) I get on well with b) I argue with c) I get on with 2) Mon partenaire idéale est = a) My favourite person b) My ideal partner would be c) My ideal partner is 3) Je ne m'entends pas bien avec = a) I get on with b) I don't get on well with c) I don't like 4) Je me dispute avec = a) I get on with b) I have fun with c) I argue with 5) s'amuser = a) it was fun b) to sail c) to have fun 6) je m'amuse avec a) I have fun with b) I had fun with c) It will be fun 7) se confier à a) to confide in b) to have confidence in c) to steal 8) je ne comprends pas a) I don't understand b) I no longer enjoy c) I'm not included 9) se disputer avec a) to argue with b) to disturb c) I argued with 10) j'ai très peu d'amis a) I have a lot of friends b) I have very few friends c) I'm very scared of my friends 11) ça me plaît a) it annoys me b) it is annoying c) I like it 12) je ne sais pas a) I don't know b) I don't care c) I don't think so 13) se fâcher a) to get angry b) to get on with c) to be fashionable 14) s'épouser a) to argue with b) to elevate c) to get married 15) je me dispute avec mon épouse a) I argue with my son b) I argue with my spouse c) I argue with my cat

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