1) known as the rebirth, an African American, Artist movement a) Dictator b) Lend-Lease Act c) Harlem Renaissance d) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) 2) assembly lines allowed manufacturers to make large numbers of goods that are alike. a) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) b) Credit c) Migrant Worker d) mass production 3) Began in New Orleans LA a music style that has roots in traditional African American sounds and rhythms made famous in the 1920's. a) Jazz b) 18th Amendment c) Island-Hopping d) Manhattan Project 4) Period from 1920 to 1933 where, the sale, manufacturing, and transportation of alcohol was illegal. a) Atomic Bomb b) Prohibition c) New Deal d) Dust Bowl 5) When African Americans left the south to escape prejudice and discrimination and moved to the North for better economic opportunities. a) Great Migration b) Radar c) Dust Bowl d) Harlem Renaissance 6) enacted or started prohibition a) Unemployment b) New Deal c) Social Security Act d) 18th Amendment 7) Gave women the right to vote a) Unemployment b) Migrant Worker c) 19th Amendment d) Radar 8) Repealed or end Prohibition a) Island-Hopping b) Stock Market c) 21st Amendment d) Jazz 9) a number of workers without jobs a) Rationing b) Social Security Act c) Unemployment d) 21st Amendment 10) a series of programs created by FDR to help the nation recover from the Great Depression a) New Deal b) Lend-Lease Act c) Migrant Worker d) Concentration Camp 11) a place where stocks are bought and sold a) Stock Market b) Radar c) Dust Bowl d) Fascism 12) On October 24th, 1929 the stock market crashed a) Relocation camp or Internment Camp b) Black Tuesday c) Unemployment d) 19th Amendment 13) a period of severe economic hardship that began in the U.S. in 1929. a) Fascism b) Dust Bowl c) Lend-Lease Act d) Great Depression 14) borrowed money used to make purchases a) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) b) Fascism c) 18th Amendment d) Credit 15) A program that provides monthly payments to people who are elderly, disabled, or unemployed. a) Inflation b) Prohibition c) Social Security Act d) Jazz 16) created to protect the deposits of customers a) Island-Hopping b) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) c) Manhattan Project d) mass production 17) a rapid rise in prices a) Inflation b) New Deal c) Great Depression d) Unemployment 18) A name given to most of the Great Plains during a long period of drought in the 1930's a) Dust Bowl b) Concentration Camp c) Rationing d) Black Tuesday 19) A long period without rain a) Concentration Camp b) Drought c) Inflation d) 18th Amendment 20) A person who moves from place to place harvesting crops a) Rationing b) Drought c) 19th Amendment d) Migrant Worker 21) A strategy used by the Allies in fighting against Japan a) Radar b) Credit c) Island-Hopping d) Relocation camp or Internment Camp 22) The bill that allowed the United States to sell, lend, or give ships planes, tanks, and other equipment to the Allies a) Drought b) 18th Amendment c) Unemployment d) Lend-Lease Act 23) A prison set up by German Nazis, during WWII that contained mostly Jews a) Concentration Camp b) New Deal c) 18th Amendment d) Black Tuesday 24) A type of bomb developed during WWII a) Concentration Camp b) Rationing c) Atomic Bomb d) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) 25) an electronic system that is used to identify objects from a distance a) Atomic Bomb b) Radar c) New Deal d) 18th Amendment 26) the code name given to the effort to build an atomic bomb in the U.S. a) mass production b) Concentration Camp c) Manhattan Project d) Credit 27) a ruler who has total power over a country a) Migrant Worker b) Dictator c) Manhattan Project d) Atomic Bomb 28) a movement that gives all power to the government a) Stock Market b) mass production c) Fascism d) Inflation 29) places where Japanese Americans were sent during WWII a) Social Security Act b) Harlem Renaissance c) Relocation camp or Internment Camp d) Great Depression 30) a system that limits the amount of food a) Relocation camp or Internment Camp b) Rationing c) Manhattan Project d) Unemployment


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