banana - It is yellow and long. It is a fruit. Monkeys like to eat. What is it?, broccoli - It is green. It looks like a small tree. It is healthy. What is it?, carrot - It is orange. Rabbits like to eat. It is healthy. What is it?, tomato - It is red and round. You eat it in the salad. You drink its soup. What is it?, apple - It is red, yellow or green. It is a fruit. It is healthy. What is it?, orange - It is orange and round. It is a fruit. It is healthy. What is it?, burger - It is a kind of junk food. It is unhealthy. If it is homemade, it is healthy., cake - It is sweet. You can find it at birthday parties. It is unhealthy., egg - It is healthy. You can have it for breakfast. Chickens give us this food., milk - It is healthy. Cows give us this drink. It is white.,


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