1) Which vowels does K get when spelling a word? a) e, i, y b) a, e, i, o, u, c) a,e,i,o,u,y d) a, o, u 2) What letters does hard c /k/ like cat get when spelling a word? a) all of them b) some of them c) all but e,i,y d) all but e 3) What makes c say /s/ as in cell phone? a) a,o,u b) a,o,u and consonants c) e,i,y d) a,e,i,o,u,y 4) What makes g say /j/ as in gem? a) a,e,i,o,u,y b) a,o,u c) consonants d) e,i,y 5) When does g make the hard /g/ sound like in goat? a) when followed by all letters b) when followed by a,e, i, o,u, y c) when followed by all letters except e,i,y d) when followed by consonants only


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