1) What are they like? a) fast and slow b) big and small c) ugly and cute 2) What are they like? a) fast and slow b) big and small c) hot and cold 3) What are they like? a) big and small b) hot and cold c) tall and short 4) What are they like? a) tall and short b) fast and slow c) full and empty 5) What are they like? a) full and empty b) hard and soft c) big and small 6) What are they like? a) dry and wet b) big and small c) ugly and nice 7) What are they like? a) wet and dry b) fast and slow c) heavy and light 8) What are they like? a) tall and short b) fat and slim c) fast and slow 9) What are they like? a) short and long b) fast and slow c) happy and sad 10) What are they like? a) hot and cold b) ugly and nice c) tall and short 11) What are they like? a) fast and slow b) ugly and nice c) tall and short

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