Effectiveness : Less than previous treatments, 71% of affected hips didn't dislocate, Femoral shortening: normalises the angle of the femur to the hip, Fem. shortening; Vietnam: 89.7% had excellent/good outcomes, Limitations : Outcome dep. on age, Mexico: children < 4y had sig. better outcomes, Doesn't address a flat acetabulum, Strengths : Obstructions are removed during surgery, Ligaments, muscles and the joint capsule can be corrected, Fem. shortening: reduces pressure in the socket which makes the femur less likely to dislocate, Weaknesses : Invasive; carries risks assoc. w. surgery, Can still dislocate after. Mexico: 5.5% did, Risk of AN is higher. Presh (2019): 20% did., Fem shortening: can cause leg shortening if overdone,


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