1) What are the 5 themes of Geography? a) mountain b) place c) river d) continent 2) What are the 5 themes of Geography? a) location b) mountain c) river d) continent 3) What are the 5 themes of Geography? a) interaction b) mountain c) river d) continent 4) What are the 5 themes of Geography? a) continent b) mountain c) river d) movement 5) What are the 5 themes of Geography? a) continent b) mountain c) region d) river 6) What are the movements of Earth? a) rotation b) movement c) circle 7) What are the movements of Earth? a) circle b) movement c) revolution 8) What is a globe? a) A scale model of Earth. It shows the actual shapes, sizes and locations of Earth landmasses. b) A hot air balloon you can ride to go to different places 9) What is a map? a) a drawing that shows many different colors b) a drawing that shows regions on a flat surface. 10) What is human migration? a) When animals move to different places to look for food b) when people move to live to a different place 11) How do we use the land? a) for farming b) for playing c) for sleeping 12) How do we use the land? a) to build sand castles b) for playing c) for hunting and gathering 13) How do we use the land? a) to build sand castles b) for manufacturing and trade c) to bury treasures 14) How do we use the land? a) for nomadic herding b) to build sand castles c) to bury treasures

Social Studies end of unit review


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