1) The outfit belongs to a clown a) a clowns outfit b) a clown's outfit c) a clowns' outfit' 2) The costume belongs to a knight. a) a knights costume b) a knights' costume c) a knight's costume 3) The outfit belongs to a chef a) chef's outfit b) chefs' outfit c) chefs outfit 4) This hat belongs to a wizard. a) a wizards hat b) a wizard's hat c) a wizards' hat 5) This suit belongs to a diver a) A diver's suit b) A divers suit c) A divers' suit 6) This helmet belongs to a fire fighter a) It is' a fire fighters helmet b) It is a fire fighter's helmet c) It is a fire fighters' helmet d) It is a fire fighters helmet 7) This costume is worn by an astronaut a) The astronauts outfit. b) The astronauts' outfit c) The astronaut's outfit.

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