speed - The rate of change in distance., distance - The path length from the start point to the finish point., light year - The distance light travels in one year., satellite - A celestial body that orbits a planet., geostationary satellite - A satellite that is positioned above a point on the Earth’s surface. Its period of orbit is equal to that of the Earth’s rotational period., planet - A celestial body that orbits a star, possesses sufficient mass to exist in a circular shape and has cleared its orbital neighbourhood., moon - A natural satellite that orbits a planet., solar system - A collection of celestial objects that orbits a star., star - A luminous sphere of gas that emits light and heat, held together by its own gravity., exo-planet - A planet that orbits a star that is not the Sun., dwarf planet - A celestial body that orbits a star, possesses sufficient mass to exist in a circular shape but has not cleared its orbital neighbourhood., galaxy - A collection of stars, dust, remnants and gas held together by gravity., universe - Contains all mass, space and time., weight - The force exerted on an object by the pull of gravity of the Earth., mass - The amount of matter contained within an object., gravitational field strength - The ratio of weight to mass., force - The interaction between objects that causes them to change speed, direction and/or shape., acceleration - The rate of change in velocity., kinetic energy - The energy associated with a moving object and depends upon the mass of the object and on the square of its speed., continuous spectrum - A continuum of visible wavelengths., line spectra - A bright line formed as part of an emission or absorption spectrum.,

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