humiliated - very embarrassed, infestation - to be overrun by unwanted creatures, lull - a time of calm or low activity, optimist - someone who is positive about things, chintzy - Made cheaply , droned - to have spoken in a dull way, bristly - short and stiff (hair), retreating - moving away, hybrid - something made from combining two or more things, taunting - insulting, teasing, miser - a person who hates to spend money, pulverize - to crush, beat or grind something into powder or dust, negotiation - A method of bargaining so that you can reach an agreement, going global - Expanding your business throughout the world , location - Refers to where a piece of real estate is located, value-added - Adding something extra to a product you are selling to make it so you want to buy it, underselling - Pricing what you are selling for less than the competition, competition - Rivalry in the marketplace, partnership - Two or more people getting together with their money, skills, and resources to run a business while agreeing to share the profits and losses, slump - A drop in the activity of a business or the economy, threshold - The point or level where something begins or changes, violation - Doing something that is not allowed, breaks the rules or laws, converge - To come together and meet,


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