The garda arrived to ____ the traffic in the town. The Simpsons movie was ____ by David Silverman. The man pointed in the ____ of the village when we asked where the school was. Steven Spielberg is a world famous movie ____. I looked for the phone number in the telephone ____. In school, we ____ how to keep ourselves safe and healthy. Coronavirus is an infectious ____. Scientists worked very hard to ____ a vaccine for Covid 19. The ____ of the buried treasure caused great excitement. The sinking of the Titanic was a ____, when many people lost their lives. To be a ____ of the GAA club, I have to pay a membership fee. I tried to ____ what Mammy had asked me to get in the shop. Teacher asked us to ____ her to close the windows at the end of the day. We cleaned the tables to ____ all of the paint and glue. The ____ truck was filled with our furniture when we moved house. I used a ____ to pick up the paper clip. We use ____ tape to stick words to the white board. The ____ is a common black and white bird. The print was too small so I pressed the ____ button to enlarge it. She bought a ____ in the newsagent's shop.




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