1) Great White Shark swimming in the Atlantic Ocean a) Biosphere and Atmosphere b) Hydrosphere and Biosphere c) Biosphere and Geosphere d) Atmosphere and Hydrosphere 2) Volcano erupts spewing gasses and ash. a) Geosphere and Hydrosphere b) Geosphere and Atmosphere c) Atmosphere and Hydrosphere d) Biosphere and Atmosphere  3) Blizzard destroys acres of timber. a) Hydrosphere and Geosphere b) Atmosphere and Hydrosphere c) Geosphere and Biosphere 4) Light, fluffy snow drifting in the wind a) Hydrosphere and Atmosphere b) Hydrosphere and Geosphere c) Biosphere and Hydrosphere d) Atmosphere and Biosphere 5) Canada geese migrating from north to south a) Biosphere and Hydrosphere b) Biosphere and Atmosphere c) Biosphere and Geosphere d) Geosphere and Hydrosphere 6) Great White Shark swimming in the Atlantic Ocean a) Biosphere and Atmosphere b) Hydrosphere and Biosphere c) Biosphere and Geosphere d) Atmosphere and Hydrosphere 7) Volcano erupts spewing gasses and ash. a) Geosphere and Hydrosphere b) Geosphere and Atmosphere c) Atmosphere and Hydrosphere d) Biosphere and Atmosphere  8) Where will there be more precipitation? a) North Carolina b) Kansas c) California 9) Where will there be higher humidity? a) North Carolina b) Kansas c) California 10) Where will there be higher air pressure? a) North Carolina b) Kansas c) California


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