hypotheses - The plural of hypothesis, hypothesis - A prediction about the results of an experiment, alternative - a statement predicting a difference/correlation, null - a statement that predicts no difference or correlation in results, correlation - a method of analysis that looks for a relationship between two variables, Independent  - A variable that the researcher changess or manipulates, Dependent  - A variable that is measured to see if it has changed (after an independent variable has been manipulated), Cause and effect - The process of one variable affecting change in another, Co-variable - A variable that changes in relation to another variable, Extraneous  - A variable, apart from the IV, that can affect the DV unless it's controlled, Standardisation - A way of controlling extraneous variables that keeps them the same across conditions, Experiment - A method of collecting data which measures the effect of an IV and DV by controlling other variables, Operationalised  - A variable written in a way that makes it clear exactly how it will be measured, Condition - A situation that the psychologist sets up so they can measure the DV in that particular condition, Group - The term given to a collection of participants , Directional - A hypothesis that predicts the results of the experiment (i.e. what the difference will be), Variable  - Anything that can change, Control Group - The group on which nothing new or specific is being tested; it is used to compare with the experimental group, Experimental group - The group on which something new or specific is being tested,


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