1) President of the United States, opposed slavery, & issued the Emancipation Proclamation. a) Jefferson Davis b) Abraham Lincoln c) Robert E. Lee d) Andrew Jackson e) Frederick Douglass f) George Washington 2) A skilled Confederate General from the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. a) Robert E. Lee b) Ulysses.S. Grant c) Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson d) Jubal Early e) J.E.B. Stuart f) Nathan Longstreet 3) A former slave who escaped North to become an abolitionist. a) Frederick Douglass b) William Lloyd Garrison c) Jefferson Davis d) Abraham Lincoln e) Ulysses S. Grant f) Robert E. Lee 4) President of the Confederate States of America. a) Robert E. Lee b) Ulysses S. Grant c) Abraham Lincoln d) Thomas Jefferson e) Frederick Douglass f) Jefferson Davis 5) He was the General of the Union Army. a) Robert E. Lee b) Abraham Lincoln c) Ulysses S. Grant d) Frederick Douglass e) Thomas Jackson f) Jubal Early 6) Confederate leader who urged the South to accept defeat at the end of the Civil War. a) Robert E. Lee b) Ulysses S. Grant c) Jubal Early d) Thomas Jackson e) Jefferson Davis f) George Pickett 7) 7. What document did Abraham Lincoln write to preserve the government, "Of the people, by the people, for the people."? a) The Gettysburg Address b) First Inaugural Address c) House Divided d) Emancipation Proclamation e) Cooper Union Addess f) Last Public Address 8) What nickname did Thomas Jackson earn during the Battle of Bull Run? a) The Gray Ghost b) Hancock the Superb c) Fighting Joe d) Fighting Tom e) Stonewall f) Bullhead 9) 9. Who was offered command of the Union Army, but didn't want to fight against his home state of Virginia? a) Thomas Jackson b) Ulysses S. Grant c) George Meade d) J.E.B. Stuart e) John Mosby f) Robert E. Lee 10) "I prayed for (freedom) for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs." Who said this quote? a) Thomas Jackson b) Frederick Douglass c) Abraham Lincoln d) Ulysses S. Grant e) Robert E. Lee f) Jefferson Davis 11) 16. "I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, my children." Who said this quote? a) Thomas Jackson b) Robert E. Lee c) Abraham Lincoln d) Jefferson Davis e) Frederick Douglass f) Ulysses S. Grant 12) The North was mainly an _________________ society. a) rural b) urban 13) A tariff is a tax on goods imported from other counties. This encourages people to buy locally produced goods. Which side favored tariffs? a) North b) South 14) The South's economy is based on __________________. a) manufacturing b) arts and crafts c) agriculture d) sales and marketing 15) A tariff is a tax on goods imported from other counties. Which side opposed tariffs? a) North b) South 16) What is another name for the North during the Civil War? a) Confederacy b) Union 17) What is another name for the South during the Civil War? a) Confederacy b) Union 18) Where was the first armed conflict of the Civil War? a) Fort McHenry b) Fort Necessity c) Fort Bliss d) Fort Sumter e) Fort Saratoga f) Fort Stevens 19) Which state was the first to secede after Lincoln was elected president? a) North Carolina b) Virginia c) South Carolina d) Georgia e) Maryland f) West Virginia 20) The compromise that had California entering as a free state into the Union was the - a) Missouri Compromise b) Compromise of 1850 c) Kansas-Nebraska Act 21) What is a border state? a) a state in the Union & is a slave state b) a state in the Confederacy & is a slave state c) a state in the Confederacy & is a free state d) a state in the Union & is a free state 22) According to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the slavery issue would be settled by - a) a constitutional amendment b) Congressional vote c) federal courts d) state legislatures e) popular sovereignty 23) In the Missouri Compromise, Missouri would enter as a slave state & ________ would enter as a free state. a) Kansas b) Maine c) California d) New Mexico e) Nebraska f) Utah 24) What year did the Civil War begin? a) 1860 b) 1861 c) 1862 d) 1863 e) 1864 f) 1865 25) Someone who escapes and is in hiding would be known as a - a) suffragist b) abolitionist c) former d) fugitive e) representative


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