Audit - To check the final accuracy of financial accounts or record keeping., Constituents - Any of the voters that elect a politician to represent them in government office. , Direct Election - The election of an official directly by the people who live in his/her representative district.  , Government Regulations - Government rules that control business behaviors to protect consumers and the environment., Inflation - A general increase in the cost of goods and services that raise the cost-of-living. , Initiative - Citizens can propose a law or ordinance if 5% of voters from the last election show support for an idea with their signature. After an audit, it is approved or put to a vote on the next election., Referendum - Citizens can propose the repeal of a current law if 5% of voters show support with their signature. After an audit, law is repealed or set to a vote on the next election.  , Recall - A set percentage of voters from the last election can show support with their signature to remove an official from office. After an audit, it is set to a vote on the next election.  , Amendment  - A change in, or addition to, a constitution., Assimilation - The social process of influencing a minority cultural group with the beliefs of the dominant culture., Individualism - The habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant., Ratify - To sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid., Reform  - To make changes in (something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it., Changing Role of Women - A shift from traditional roles to more modern roles for women. , Consumer Economy  - A national economy that heavily depends on citizens spending money on products and services. , Women's Suffrage - The right of women to vote., 16th Amendment  - The creation of a federal income tax for citizens that would pay, meant to pay for government operational expenses. , 17th Amendment - Required the election of two Senators from each states voted upon by constituents of the states. , 18th Amendment - The presence and use of alcohol within the United States was strictly probibited. , 19th Amendment - Granted the right to vote to all women. , Alexis De Tocqueville - His book "Democracy in America" was published after Tocqueville's travels in the U.S. and is considered an early work of sociology and political science., Jane Addams - A progressive, social reformer who co-founded and led Hull House, one of the first settlement houses in North America. Hull House provided child care, practical and cultural training, education, and other services to the largely immigrant population of its Chicago neighborhood., John Muir - Scottish-born American naturalist, writer, and advocate of U.S. forest conservation, who was largely responsible for the establishment of Sequoia National Park and Yosemite National Park, which are located in California., National Parks Service  - Created in 1916 as a new federal bureau in the Department of Interior. Given the responsibility to administer the national parks and monuments. Currently administers 385 sites., Muckrakers - Journalists who wrote about corruption in business and politics in order to bring about reform., Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" - This 1906 work by Upton Sinclair pointed out the abuses of the meat packing industry. The book led to the passage of the 1906 Meat Inspection Act., Pure Food and Drug Act - It prohibited the sale of misbranded or rotting food and drugs in interstate commerce and laid a foundation for the nation's first consumer protection agency, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)., Social Darwinism - The false application of Darwin's Natural laws of selection for plants and animals to prove the superiority of some ethnic groups over others. , NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored Persons, organization founded by W.E.B DuBois to improve the economic, political and social status of black Americans. , Booker T. Washington - Founder of Tuskeegee, a historically Black college, who also called for black progress through education and entrepreneurship, rather than trying to directly challenge Jim Crow segregation and black voter supression in the South.,

Unit #2-- 11th US History: Progressive Era Vocabulary


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