1) I did not get picked for a game a) Big problem: hard to fix, get an adult b) Small Problem: easy fix, solve it myself  c) Medium Problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult  2) I am NOT first in line  a) Small Problem: easy fix, solve it myself b) Medium problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult c) Big problem: hard to fix, get an adult 3) Someone pushed you on the playground and you got hurt a) Big Problem: hard to fix, get an adult b) Medium problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult c) Small Problem: easy to fix, solve it myself 4) A friend told you they are no longer your friend and it makes you sad a) Big Problem: hard to fix, get an adult b) Medium problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult c) Small Problem: easy to fix, solve it myself  5) You need a pencil  a) Small problem: easy to fix, solve it myself b) Big problem: hard to fix, get an adult  c) Medium Problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult 6) I fell and broke my arm a) Small problem: easy to fix,solve it myself b) Big problem: hard to fix,get an adult c) Medium Problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult 7) I am frustrated in class and I need help a) Small problem, easy to fix, solve it myself b) Big Problem: hard to fix, get an adult c) Medium Problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult 8) I got hurt on by accident but I'm not bleeding or hurt a) Big problem; hard to fix, get an adult b) Small Problem: easy to fix, solve it myself c) Medium Problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult 9) Someone was bullying me on the school bus a) Small problem: easy to fix, solve it myself b) Big problem: hard to fix, get an adult c) Medium problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult 10) A classmate laughed at me when I was upset it made me more sad a) Medium problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult b) Big problem: hard to fix, get an adult c) Small Problem: easy to fix, solve it myself 11) I do not like the lunch today a) Small problem:easy to fix, solve it myself b) Big problem: hard to fix, get an adult c) Medium problem:takes longer to fix, get an adult 12) I am confused with my math work a) Big Problem: hard to fix, get an adult b) Small Problem: easy to fix, solve it myself c) Medium Problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult 13) A classmate hit me and it hurt it made me cry a) Big Problem: hard to fix, get an adult b) Medium Problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult c) Small Problem: easy to fix, solve it myself 14) I accidentally spilled all my chips at lunch a) Small Problem: easy to fix, solve it myself b) Big Problem: hard to fix, get an adult c) Medium Problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult 15) I lost the game I was playing a) Big Problem: hard to fix, get an adult b) Small Problem: easy to fix, solve it myself c) Medium Problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult 16) My internet is not working on my computer a) Medium Problem: takes longer to fix, get an adult b) Big Problem: hard to fix, get an adult c) Small Problem: easy to fix, solve it myself

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