A set of instructions or rules that we can use to solve problems or tell a computer what to do. - Algorithm, Repeating a step in an algorithm or computer program. - Iteration, A step in an algorithm where there are two or more possibilities. - Selection, Can be used to plan a program or algorithm and uses words instead of drawings to show computational thinking. - Pseudocode, Taking away unnecessary detail to help solve a problem. - Abstraction, A search algorithm that tries every possible solution to find an answer. - Exhaustive Search, A sort algorithm that compares pairs of items on a list and swaps them into the correct order. - Bubble Sort, A sort algorithm puts items into a list one at a time. - Insertion Sort, An algorithm that puts items into a particular order. - Sort Algorithm, A search algorithm repeatedly divides an ordered list in half to find an item. - Binary Search Algorithm, An algorithm which finds an item with defined characteristics in a list. - Search Algorithm, A search algorithm looks at each item in a list in turn until it finds the item it is looking for. - Serial Search Algorithm, An algorithm which looks for simple solutions to complicated problems with many steps which works by choosing which next step will give the most benefit for that part of the problem. - Greedy Algorithm,

Matrix 2 Chapter 1 - Find the match




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